The CLTS Knowledge series contains videos on the following topics

1.  From OD to ODF: The video shows the transformation of several villages and communities from ‘Open Defecation’ to ‘Open Defecation Free’ through communal behavior                change.

2. Sanitation Ladder: This video shows how communities move up the sanitation ladder; from simple pit latrines to low cost innovative toilets.

3. Institutional Triggering: This knowledge series video is integral in showing how large institutions are trigerred for implementing CLTS at a wider scale and the positive impact of     this.

4. The Growing Benefits: How a community is charged up for a better way of living upon achieving ODF status is borught into light through this video.

   The role of Natural leaders and Community Consultants are shown. This video also shows that CLTS is a basic pillar for communities across the world to scale up towards a              healthy and hygienic way of living.

    All this videos are documented on the lessons learnt from Madagascar experiences of the CLTS Foundation Global team.