
January 2017

Regional Training of Trainers’ Workshop on Community Led Total Sanitation in Thaba Tseka District, Lesotho

By |January 20th, 2017|Categories: Agenda in Focus - small, Blog, Publication|

Background and Introduction CLTS Foundation Global, as a part of its collaborative efforts with Eastern Southern Africa Region of UNICEF, has made a sincere effort to introduce CLTS in Lesotho on the interest of UNICEF and Government of Lesotho. Lesotho is a country with a very disturbing statistics with regard to [...]

July 2016

June 2016

Impact of CLTS on Women’s Health in Urban Slums: A Case Study from Kalyani Municipality

By |June 6th, 2016|Categories: Publication|Tags: , , , , |

Impact of Community-led Total Sanitation on Women’s Health in Urban Slums: A Case Study from Kalyani Municipality Prabhakaran, P., Kar, K., Mehta, L. and Chowdhury, S.R. IDS Evidence Report 194 Publisher IDS Download this publication  This Evidence Report seeks to understand the health and other impacts of slum women’s access to sanitation [...]

April 2016

Handbook on CLTS – Spanish

By |April 13th, 2016|Categories: Publication|Tags: , , |

La elaboración de este manual ha contado con el apoyo de Plan Internacional (Reino Unido). Se agradece a Rose Nierras por el ánimo, la paciencia y comprensión que nos dio durante gran parte del tiempo de preparación. También a Sameer Sah por su apoyo, y a Alex Betti y otros en [...]

Handbook on Community-Led Total Sanitation

By |April 13th, 2016|Categories: Publication|Tags: , , |

The CLTS approach originates from Kamal Kar’s evaluation of WaterAid Bangladesh and their local partner organisation – VERC’s (Village Education Resource Centre is a local NGO) traditional water and sanitation programme and his subsequent work in Bangladesh in late 1999 and into 2000. This led to the discovery of the CLTS [...]

Digging in, Spreading out and Growing up: Introducing CLTS in Africa

By |April 12th, 2016|Categories: Publication|Tags: , , |

Open defecation is the norm in rural and urban Africa – only about a third of the population uses improved sanitation facilities – and this contributes in various ways to a heavy disease burden. Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS), an approach to sanitation which focuses on community-wide behaviour change to completely stop [...]

CLTS Training of Trainer’s Guide – English

By |April 12th, 2016|Categories: Publication|Tags: , , , |

CLTS is spreading fast in many countries in different regions. The demand for facilitators and trainers of facilitators far exceeds the supply of trainers who have got what it takes and who are able to devote their time and energy to training. This is even more serious because CLTS triggering in [...]

February 2016

January 2016

October 2015

CLTS Assessment Report in Namibia – CLTS Foundation Global

By |October 20th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Publication|

Community Led Total Sanitation was introduced in Namibia by SAREP (South African Region Environmental Project) a Botswana based NGO with Funding Support from USAID. The first training was conducted from 27th May to 1st June 2013 in Collaboration with Integrated Rural Development and Natural Conservation (IRDNC) and The Ministry of Agriculture [...]

June 2015

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